London Photographic Association members' meeting – 3rd February 2010
LPA Social Media developmentsKevin O'Connor opened the meeting by explaining the rationale behind working with Ginger Liu Media to raise awareness of the LPA and its members. The importance of the social networking side of the LPA site was discussed (Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin). Kevin explained that members need to link to the LPA twitter account, Facebook group and Linkedin group and interact with them: this will help themselves and the LPA to grow. Employing Ginger to manage the LPA's networking saves members time and lets them enjoy the benefits of networking through a large group, rather than having to go through the learning curve alone. Kevin promised to keep banging on about the worth/importance of social media…oh dear!
Gallery 1839
Kevin pointed out that very little work has been done on the gallery since an initial three month burst around the opening exhibition (which showed the work of Lea Gold Holterman).
David Edmunds has now taken over the curatorial duties of 1839 and all submissions for consideration should be addressed to him. David will be exploring other avenues for print sales rather than relying solely on consumer/collectors sales. The gallery is there for the members' benefit and we want them to use it. However, it was also suggested that members putting work forward for consideration should think carefully about the type of work they want included. Questions they should ask themselves include: is it pictorial or collectors' work? Why would someone want to buy it? It was agreed that all work must be considered, but the gallery must not look like a picture library: it is a gallery selling fine art contemporary photography.
Further discussion and exhibitions: London and the 2012 Olympics
Peter Mackertich felt that "Putting 'London' into the London Photographic Association" was an important issue. This led on to members discussing the importance of exhibitions. It was suggested that an annual LPA Exhibition with good PR around it would be of benefit.
Peter also pointed out that it is now just two years before the 2012 Olympics in London and this would be a good opportunity for the LPA to hold a major exhibition with London as its theme.
Points raised with this in mind included:
• A prestigious place for the exhibition is needed
• It should be lens based, to include film and make it contemporary
• Contact Boris Johnson re location
• Needs good PR throughout
• Fundraising for exhibition
• Necessary to be themed, need outside curator
• Limited number of photographs each photographer can submit
• Heart of the exhibition should be in a gallery, although public places were also discussed
• Is it worth contacting Transport for London?
• Should it be open to London photographers only? Decided it would not be fair to do that - so open to all members!
• Terence Hudson suggested two sides to the exhibition: "London through Londoners' eyes" and "London through foreigners eyes"?
• Another suggestion was a theme "environment" or "green issues"
Clearly there is much to consider here and ideas are very welcome.
The date of the next meeting will be published shortly.
Photography by: Enda Cavanagh
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