Tuesday, 24 May 2011

What Constitutes A 'Limited Edition' Set Of Photographs?

Limited Edition? Are you sure?
What do you think constitutes  a 'limited edition' set of photographs? 
Is it the image or the print sizes?

We think it should be the' image' that is being sold in a 'limited edition'.

At Gallery 1839, edition sizes always refer to the total number of prints of any size available from that image e.g if the edition size is 15 and that number is indicated against each of the available sizes, only 15 prints in 'total' will be printed regardless of the sizes of prints ordered.

We are very happy to work with photographers who have editions in other galleries or are personally selling the same prints but we will only sell those pictures as 'open editions'.

We feel that gaining the trust of buyers / collectors is imperative and as we all know, gaining a reputation is not something that happens overnight.

More importantly if we want 'photography' to be taken seriously as a 'collectable' which I am sure we all do, the 'limited edition' has to trusted.

Gallery 1839 is part of the London Photographic Association 

Photography by Karan Kapoor Goan Brothers

Kevin O'Connor - LPA

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